

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  十大菠菜台子为所有招聘和就业决策制定了非歧视和平权行动政策.


I. 平等机会政策

平等机会政策, 由十大菠菜台子董事会于5月21日批准, 1981; and amended by the Board of Trustees on June 8, 1995, 状态:

十大菠菜台子 reaffirms its unwavering commitment to equality of opportunity for all persons. 在一个依赖信息灵通的社会里, 受过教育的公民, no one should be denied the opportunity to attain his or her fullest potential. The University shall strive to build a community that welcomes and honors all persons and that provides equal opportunity in education and employment. 十大菠菜台子的政策是不允许基于种族对任何人进行非法歧视, 性, 性取向, 年龄, 高度, 重量, 障碍, color, 宗教, 信条, 国籍或血统, 婚姻状况, 家庭状况或退伍军人状况. The University shall affirmatively follow the provisions of applicable State and Federal anti-discrimination legislation in all of its activities in this area and so reaffirms its policy at this time. 在某种程度上,该政策与第一修正案或大学社区成员的其他合法权利相冲突, 其他有关法律规定适用. 此外, this policy shall not be interpreted to modify eligibility criteria for student and employment benefits or modify the legal definition of the terms "spouse" or "dependent."

The Affirmative Action Policy, approved by the Board on May 10, 1989, 状态:

In order to accomplish the goals set forth in the institution's role and mission statement, it is essential that 十大菠菜台子's work force be appropriately representative of all racial and ethnic groups and of both genders. 相应的, the University establishes an Affirmative Action Plan for the purpose of elimination and/or avoiding racial and 性ual imbalances in traditionally segregated job categories. The goal of the Plan shall be to achieve within the University community a work force that is reasonably representative of minorities and women as measured by the race and 性 mix of persons with the requisite skills within the reasonable employee recruiting area of the University. 一旦达到目标, 一个计划将不再是必要的或合适的, 因为任何重大的不平衡都将被消除. The University's commitment to equal opportunity shall, however, continue undiminished.

该计划不应制定必须满足的“配额”, but rather "goals" for minorities and women that promote consideration of affirmative action concerns when establishing and filling positions.

大学行政部门应根据上述政策制定和实施计划. It is expected that goals and procedures contained within the Plan will change periodically in accordance with conditions and experience. . .

All persons with hiring responsibilities have the obligation to ensure compliance with the University's equal opportunity and affirmative action policies and the Affirmative Action Plan and its associated hiring procedures.

以这些理事会核准的报表为框架, the faculty hiring procedures described in this document have been developed. It is designed to assist each academic department to develop a faculty representative of the population of qualified professionals in the discipline. 它还旨在支持对征聘和雇用模式的必要分析,并确保政策的一贯执行.

II. 平等机会办公室

The 平等机会办公室 (OEO) assists in institutional compliance concerning equal opportunity. 因此, the Director of the OEO must be consulted in the development of position descriptions, 广告, 招聘计划, 选择标准. 导演可就甄选标准提供意见,并在甄选过程中提供其他协助.

适用范围及适用性:  This procedure applies to the appointment of all tenure track and visiting faculty positions. 院长, 学术管理人员, 而非教学人员则由单独的, 类似的程序. 雇用兼职教师的人应遵守平等机会和平权行动政策. It is generally understood that those appointments may have different hiring practices. 关于非全时任用的讨论见第八节.



1.  院长, the Director of the 眼科研究所 (ERI) and chairs anticipating open positions as well as potential search committee members will be provided with recruitment training.

2.  负责学术事务的副校长批准招聘.

3.  Department chairperson appoints 查册委员会 with the approval of the Dean. 大学在哪里?, 该研究所, 图书馆或学校没有单独的部门, 学院院长或院长应任命遴选委员会.一份检查清单将提供给院长或ERI主任,以协助确定与搜索相关的问题.

4.  搜索委员会:

  1. 审查提供了评估清单,以有效地组织搜索.

  2. 与平等机会办公室联系,索取有关实施本程序的表格和进一步信息.

  3. Develops proposed minimum qualifications and a position description subject to administrative approval as provided on the 教师 Recruitment Record.

  4. 准备广告及张贴.

  5. 制定选择标准.

  6. 制定招聘计划.

  7. Completes section A of 教师 Recruitment Record and identifies initial sources for Section B.

5.  学院院长或主任 reviews section A and proposed sources in Section B of 教师 Recruitment Record.

6.  在收到ERI院长或主任的批准后, 查册委员会, 透过部门或学校的渠道:

  1. 发送邮件到AAUP, 平等机会办公室 以及学术事务副校长办公室.

  2. Places advertisement in external publications and makes external contacts.

  3. 接收候选人材料并发送确认.

  4. 向平等机会办公室提供所有符合最低资格的候选人的姓名和联系地址. The OEO will then send these individuals affirmative action inquiry cards.

7.  平等机会办公室向搜索委员会提供对平权行动查询卡的回应摘要, 以及任何其他与受保护群体成员的可用性有关的及时信息. The OEO may recommend to 查册委员会 continuation of search for qualified candidates when the initial pool of candidates does not provide a representative group of candidates.

8.  遴选委员会 screens candidates to arrive at a proposed group of finalists, updates section B and completes section C of 教师 Recruitment Record and sends it to the Dean, ERI主任或主席.

9.  部门主席, 学院院长或主任, 机会均等办公室主任和学术事务副校长办公室批准C部分. 负责学术事务的副校长办公室可能需要继续寻找合格的候选人.

10.  最终入围者将由招聘单位进行面试和其他额外筛选,并制定就业建议. Hiring unit completes section D of the 教师 Recruitment Record and a written narrative (see Appendix A).

11.  部门主席, 学院院长或主任, 平等机会办公室主任, 以及学术事务副校长办公室 approve section D. 学术事务副校长办公室将在做出决定之前与OEO一起审查所有招聘建议.

12.  学院院长或主任向经董事会批准的终身职位候选人提供就业机会.

3. 实施程序指引


These guidelines expand upon the procedures in the appointment process for faculty. 十大菠菜台子 has developed these procedures in an attempt to provide equal employment opportunity and to recruit a staff of the highest quality.

在当代社会, 包括有代表性人数的妇女的院系, persons with disabilities and minority groups can provide a more effective academic environment. An integrated faculty supplies important role models for students of all groups and may be more sensitive to the special problems of minority students.


When faculty positions are to be filled, the department chairperson will appoint a 遴选委员会. It is recommended that female, minority and persons with disabilities be included wherever possible.

遴选委员会应制订职位说明, 其中应包括该职位的最低资格要求. The Federal Guidelines for Employee Selection Criteria require that all qualifications used to screen applicants be directly related to the position being filled. 这些资格都必须是成功执行工作所必需的,并且是可测量到可证明的. Every reasonable effort shall be made to avoid using standards which are not necessary to perform the responsibilities of the position and which might have the effect of excluding protected groups.

招聘委员会应制作广告. 它必须包括该职位的最低要求, and a statement that 十大菠菜台子 is an equal opportunity and affirmative action institution. 院长或院长对职位描述的批准, minimum qualifications and the advertisement is required prior to dissemination of the advertisement.

遴选委员会亦应拟备一份招聘计划. 为了吸引女性,必须付出真诚的努力, minority and disabled applicants by contacting organizations and publishers which serve these groups, 以及可能认识合格候选人的人. This effort shall be documented on section B of the 教师 Recruitment Record. 招聘计划可以 扩大 在搜索过程中.

A position should be advertised in appropriate publications at least two months in advance of the closing date for accepting applications. A closing date should be included in the advertisement; the following langu年龄 is suggested: "In order to ensure consideration, 申请必须于(日期)前收到."

The 平等机会办公室 must be consulted in development of job descriptions, 广告和招聘计划.


遴选委员会应制订遴选标准, subject to the approval of the department chairperson and the 学院院长或主任. Accurate and valid criteria are essential to nondiscriminatory rankings of the candidates. 选择标准的一些例子有:数量, relevance and quality of formal education; amount, relevance and quality of previous teaching experience; amount, 研究活动的相关性和质量, publications or presentations; ability to communicate effectively with students and staff, 以及参与专业组织. 有关制定有效甄选标准的进一步信息,可与平等机会办公室联系.

筛选申请人, 遴选委员会应首先排除所有不符合规定最低资格(不合格)的人士。. 平等机会办公室应将保密的平权行动询问卡发给所有合格的候选人. 遴选委员会应向办事处提供符合最低资格的所有候选人的姓名和地址名单. It is to the committee's benefit to submit these names and addresses on a rolling basis in order to determine whether the pool is representative as early as possible in the process.

初步筛选后, 查册委员会 should evaluate the materials submitted by each of the remaining candidates. Consideration of each candidate should be based on the 选择标准 developed by the Committee. 评价方法必须统一适用于所有候选人.


在对平等机会办公室从平权行动调查中提供的数据进行筛选和审查之后, 委员会应推荐候选人接受面试, 和教员招聘记录的C部分应由搜索委员会完成,并由ERI院长或主任审查, the Director of OEO 以及学术事务副校长办公室. 哪里有证据表明合格的少数族裔, women or persons with disabilities should be available in the potential pool of candidates, the Committee may be required to continue the search for qualified candidates. The decision to extend the search shall be made by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs after consultation with the 学院院长或主任 and the Director of OEO.

校园面试阶段的目的是评估个人是否有资格履行职位所要求的职责, 根据职位描述和选择标准指定. The 遴选委员会 should ensure that all candidates are treated in an equivalent manner, both in respect to the substance of the interview and the arrangements on and off campus.

面试结束后, the candidates shall be discussed by 查册委员会 and a candidate or candidates recommended, 按偏好排序. 两个或两个以上的候选人拥有相似的资格, consideration shall be given to the impact the selected candidate will have on the achievement of 十大菠菜台子's affirmative action goals.

在过程结束时, 教职员招聘记录的D部分应由遴选委员会填写,并由教务长或教务主任审核, 平等机会办公室主任, 以及学术事务副校长办公室, 后者在谘询行政主任后作出. The committee is expected to support Section D by attaching a narrative. 在附录A中可以找到一个例子. The offer of employment shall be made by the 学院院长或主任 for regular full-time faculty positions and for visiting appointments.

IV. 访问教师重新任命或转入终身教职

  1. 在寻找终身教职之后, 出于特殊考虑,大学可能会在申请人中指定一个人作为访问十大菠菜台子, 而不是终身职位. 经主管学术事务的副校长批准后,可转为终身教职, 无需进一步搜索. 如果最初的搜索是为了访问教员的任命, 这种例外通常不适用.

  2. If, 在访问预约搜索之后, 申请人池中的一个人被指定为访问身份, that person may be reappointed to visiting status 无需进一步搜索. 

  3. 在特殊情况下, such as an illness occurring to a tenure track faculty member one week before the term begins, 单位可以要求豁免指定访问教员.

V. 记录保留

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall keep a position folder for each position filled. 该文件夹应包含教员招聘记录, 职位描述副本, 广告(s), 选择标准, all applicants' resumes and other materials used to evaluate each candidate. 在搜索过程结束时, the academic unit shall forward a memorandum to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs indicating whether the records have been forwarded (in labeled boxes) to the Kresge Archives or remain in the unit. These records will be retained for three years after the date of hire of the successful candidate.

The 平等机会办公室 shall retain all records of information received from the confidential affirmative action inquiry cards in a position file folder for three years after the date of hire of the successful candidate.

VI. 兼职教员任命

The Board of Trustees' policy of nondiscrimination and affirmative action in hiring and employment decision also applies to the appointment of part-time faculty. Efforts will be made by the library and each department and school to recruit qualified minorities, 妇女和残疾人的兼职教员任命.

大学认识到每个单位在聘用兼职教师方面有不同的做法和需求. Development of a uniform policy may not be responsive to these differing needs. 尽管如此, 必须对征聘和雇用做法进行一些监测,以确保遵守董事会的政策.

7. 豁免

偶尔, 可能需要立即填补一个教员职位, 没有足够的时间进行适当的搜索,并遵循上述招聘和筛选程序.

部门主席, ERI院长或主任应准备一份书面请求,要求放弃教师招聘程序的要求. The request shall detail which steps in these procedures should be foregone.

还应包括职位说明, the resume and other relevant information about any candidate proposed to fill that position, and the reasons why the requirements of the 教师 Hiring Procedures cannot be met.

Both the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and 平等机会办公室主任 shall receive copies of the waiver request. eoo应向学术事务副校长办公室提供关于豁免请求的书面建议.

豁免请求必须由学术事务副校长办公室和ERI院长或主任批准, 部门主席在哪里提出请求. 该部门将予以考虑, 学校或大学的平等机会努力和成就.



